
Ameratec 是 Hager 在香港的首要經銷商,並在香港和深圳設有倉庫。

Hager 公司在建築五金領域建立了卓越的傳統,為商業和住宅市場提供了超過175年的服務需求。作為一家家族企業,Hager 專注於提供涵蓋門功能各個方面的高品質產品。他們廣泛的產品線包括門鉸鏈、鎖具、逃生裝置、滑動門系統等,確保為各種應用提供全面的解決方案。以工藝和可靠性著稱,Hager 產品受到全球建築師、承包商和設施經理的信賴。

Hager 公司的獨特之處在於其對可持續性和建築規範的承諾。他們的許多產品都使用環保材料設計,確保耐用性,同時將環境影響降至最低。Hager 對細節的關注和對高標準的承諾意味著他們的產品不僅能完美運行,還能提升任何空間的美感。他們的完整解決方案使得即使是最複雜的項目也能自信且精確地計劃和執行。


熱門 Hager 鎖系列

購買熱門的 Hager 鎖產品

Hager BB1191 Full Mortise, Plain Bearing Hinge

Plain bearing hinge with button tip and plug, For use on medium weight doors, or doors requiring medium frequency service. Sold in packs of 3.

Hager 5100 Series Heavy Duty Door Closer

5100 Series Door Closers are heavy duty, constructed of cast iron to be installed on exterior and interior doors that are subject to high use and potential abuse. They have a full rack and pinion operation, with a heat treated steel piston and triple heat treated steel spindle.

Hager 7000 Series, Heavy Duty, Concealed Mount Overhead Door Stop & Holder

This Grade 2 Heavy Duty Overhead Door Holder is ideal for office buildings and other standard duty commercial applications. For concealed mount on exterior and interior single acting doors. Adjustable arms provide easy installation. Slide track design.